• measX News

New Release of Customer Magazine X-Press

Industry 4.0: And now?  The topic Industry 4.0 is on vogue. In the industrial environment, but also in research and development, one wants to use the potential of the networked analysis of distributed data. measX develops smart solutions based on the latest technologies. We present some of them in our new X-Press. 
Digitalization continues to progress and has also drastically changed measurement and testing technology. While at the beginning the question was "How do I digitize my measurement data?", five years ago it was already "How can I link and standardize my test benches?

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Successful first year for ADAS iiT ccoperation

If this was not a successful first year for the cooperation "ADAS iiT - Innovation in Test": joint trade fair appearances in Europe, USA and China, an extraordinarily positive response from experts, first ongoing projects and the Technical Innovation Award 2018 from National Instruments!
ADAS iiT – Test solution for autonomous driving:  measX works closely with Konrad Technologies, SET and S.E.A. Datentechnik to offer complete solutions for virtual and real ADAS testing.

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DASYLab 2016 scores with new functions in service pack 2

Even if the name suggests otherwise: The new DASYLab Servicepack 2 is not a simple bugfix update, but provides extensions to existing functions as well as completely new modules (Block relays and Flag Bender), which were not yet included in the previous versions.
The second Service Pack is available free of charge to all existing customers with a current maintenance contract. Other customers need to contact our sales or their respective reseller to get an update.
Please note that there is no simple update is available but  a complete new installation of the program is necessary and that new serial numbers are required.

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Meet us at VIP 2018!

On October 24th and 25th, the technology and user congress "VIP 2018 - Virtual Instruments in Practice" by National Instruments will once again offer users and experts an excellent platform for professional exchange.
measX will be represented with its own booth, lectures and panel discussion. You can expect a multitude of lectures and presentations. We will inform you about innovative solutions for data management and evaluation.

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Plenty of space for growth – Office Aachen has moved

Pascalstraße, the Silicon Valley of Aachen, is located on the southern outskirts of the city, just a stone's throw from the A44 motorway.

The measX test data management department has been at home here for 20 years. Recently the team has been reinforced again and moved to a new, larger office just a few houses away.


Students gain insights into our work

The students of the faculty 03 of the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences listened curiously to our two experts and CLD's (Certified LabVIEW Developer) Marco Tiskens and Frank Beckers.
At the end of a LabVIEW programming semester, the two measX emlpoyees presented "real" projects as guests of the department. Insights into projects such as control systems for free flight systems, cut protection trousers tests as well as the testing of kitchen appliances inspired the excited audience.

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New release: X-Crash Version 6.5

Logo X-Crash

The crash analysis software X-Crash and the dummy certification software X-Crash ATD are now released in version 6.5.
New features in the crash analysis include new evaluation packages for ASEAN NCAP and ANCAP, while X-Crash ATD scores with new evaluation routines.

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DASYLab – New hardware by Labortechnik Tasler, DEWETRON, and OptiMEAS supported

DASYLab the "Easy-to-use"-Software to measure, vizualize and process measured data supports now new devices by Labortechnik Tasler, DEWETRON, and OptiMEAS.
After the support for programmable logic controllers (PLC) was integrated in DASYLab this year, the driver library has been expanded once again. All user of those systems are now enabled to create easily measurement, control, and evaluation tasks without any programming knowledges.

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Test technology and evaluation solutions from measX at the SENSOR + TEST


SENSOR + TEST is the world's leading forum for sensor, measurement and testing technology. measX presents trend-setting developments for current measuring, testing and monitoring tasks on booth 1-520 in hall 1.
Learn first-hand what new technologies such as LabVIEW NXG or the SystemCloud have in store for you.

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