Optional SUFEHM Evaluation in X-Crash
The model-based evaluation according to the finite element head model of the University of Strasbourg (SUFEHM) allows much more differentiated statements than the standard HIC for the potential injury of the head and brain.
The option Advanced HIC for X-Crash is based on this model. It also takes into account the relationship between the crash-related linear and rotational accelerations of the head for a defined time interval.
To determine head injury risk, the Head Injury Criterion (HIC) and the Brain Injury Criterion (BrIC) are used as standard calculation. The meaningfulness of these values, however, is limited by the fact that they consider the translatory and the rotational accelerations separately.
The X-Crash Advanced HIC option allows more detailed analysis of the risk of head and brain injury, because it also takes into account the relationship between the time course of the crash-induced linear and rotational accelerations of the head.
The Strasbourg head model SUFEHM (the Strasbourg University Finite Element Head Model) is currently the best finite element model of the human head and is used worldwide to determine head injuries by means of simulation. The crash-induced linear and rotational accelerations of the head.